The Institute for the Theory of Art and Media Studies at Eötvös Lóránd University launched its Film Director BA course in 2020. Students spend two semesters delving into the world of photography, making photo essays on set subjects, like the relationship between the city and humans.
Through these images, the twelve students gave voice to their individual relationships to the big city, Budapest. These photo series communicate their personal thoughts, experiences, feelings. This exhibition inaugurates the ELTE Alagsor Gallery.
Exhibiting artists: Albert Virág, Bekő Bozó Benedek, Bóna Jakab, Dávid Diána, Liliom Emese, Maróthy Emil, Nagy Dániel, Perecz Sára, Peszleg Barnabás, Szabó Dávid András, Szabó-Sipos Tamás, Vig Zsombor
Curator: Szita János