Conference on Photography and Literature
Hungarian House of Photography - Mai Mano House
1065 Budapest
Nagymező utca 20.
25 October 2018
26 October 2018

Opening speech by:

Conference on Photography and Literature

Organizers: Gyöngyi Pál, Mária Pecsics

Relying on research by the French Phlit group and the published findings of relevant Hungarian research projects, this conference seeks to provide comprehensive theoretical and historical analyses of Hungarian publications in which literature meets with photography, and to trace trends and peculiarities in the form. The two-day conference will touch upon foreign examples; the work of Hungarian emigré photographers (Lucien Hervé, Ergy Landau, Brassaï); the publication of author portraits in periodicals; travel literature; the relationship of text and image in there presentation of the city; theoretical paradigms of photographic ecphrasis; the relationship of poetry and photography; and the connections between the media of painting, film and performance art. The “Poetry and photography”section will host a performance by Zopán Nagy, “Átfedések. Avagy: szimultán médiumok, kép-írás-képek, rétegződések” (Overlaps, or, simultaneous media, image-writings, layers). Apropos of the exhibition, PhotoComic, Alinda Veiszer will talk to Géza Bereményi and János Vető about the book, Antoine és DésiréFényképregény az 1970-es évekből (Antoine and Désiré – A photo novel from the 1970s).